RTAC team in South East Asia!

Joanne HurstSuccess of Clients

Our RTAC, or Reproductive Technology Accreditation Standard is gaining significant traction in South East Asia with three more clinics coming on line in the next few months. We already have clients in Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok in addition to our Vietnamese clinics. It is an absolute privilege to visit these facilities and see how they use their scarce resources to meet the standard.

The Global-Mark RTAC team consists of Adrianne Pope PhD, Wendy Adams, John Tyer (compliance and TE) and the assorted office team members who support and sustain us! We have 49 Australia and New Zealand certificates and four overseas certificates (soon to be seven) issued under the RTAC Scheme rules.

What strikes us as the RTAC team, is the commitment the staff and management show to achieving continual improvement, the staff in the clinics often perform significant amounts of work in their own time.

Typically an RTAC Certification audit takes two-four days depending on the size of the audit team, program and scope of service. We add a day for Vietnamese clients as the language barrier is sometimes difficult. Though I surprised the staff as by the end of the audit, I could recognise key Vietnamese words, Phoi Thai is an embryo, Cam Ket is a consent form, Vo is a woman and Chong is a man…. I could tell which was the consent form for freezing embryos for a couple! It only took four days.

I have included a photo of Ho Chi Minh City from my hotel, which has a population of about 10 million…. The scooters are totally crazy, people carry literally any or everything – three kids and grandma, a ladder, flowers, whatever. It is a wonderful experience for an auditor, we are truly fortunate to have these opportunities to work within these different cultures.

Donna Close, Global-Mark Client Manager