Global-Mark Pty Ltd
Suite 4.07, 32 Delhi Road
North Ryde, 2113
NSW, Australia
P: +61 2 9886 0222
ABN: 55 108 087 654

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Feedback & Complaints

Global-Mark encourages stakeholders to provide us with feedback – positive or negative. Any client, potential client or third party can provide feedback or lodge a complaint against the services, decision or representative of Global-Mark.

For FSC complaints shall be lodged in writing (email, fax or letter) and shall include the originator’s details and be signed, so we can contact the complainant and clarify, investigate and notify them of the outcome. If the complainant is unable to lodge a complaint in writing, Global-Mark will try to assist them to provide their feedback as necessary.

Complaints will be acknowledged by Global-Mark and processed according to our internal process (MSP24).  The process involves documenting the complaint in the CorrectIT database, acknowledging the complaint to the client, short term action, investigation and action to prevent re-occurrence, and formal closure of the complaint once all actions have been taken.

Please note for FSC related issues, evidence such as photos, emails, other documents will be required to substantiate your concern.

How to make a complaint – Easy English 

If you are not happy with our services you can make a complaint.

You can make a complaint by giving us a call.

Or you can send us an email or a letter.

We will listen to your concerns. We will try to help you and fix your problem.

We want all our clients and their clients to be happy with our services.