Meet Louise Bugeja

Joanne HurstMeet the Team

I was born with multiple disabilities and am a one of a kind type of person as nobody in the world has been diagnosed with the same series of disabilities. I have come to refer to myself as “unique”. I am a fighter and do not let my disabilities control me or stop me from achieving my goals. Born into a family of four kids, I was the youngest but I swear I wasn’t the spoilt one. My parents believed in “everything you want you have to work for” so all my life I have thrown myself into everything I do.

I have worked in the disability/community services sector for over 20 years and enjoy being involved in my local and wider community. When I was younger I did a lot of volunteer work for organisations such: the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind (now known as Vision Australia), doing public talks, radio, television, and newspaper interviews. I also appeared on the ABC program “Stateline” talking about the rights of young people who are blind and vision impaired, as well as other groups such as sporting communities, local council committees and so on. I have been involved in several committees to have input/advise on consumer rights and issues faced by people with disabilities. I enjoy giving back and am always looking at new ways of being able to do this.

I have had my fair share of challenges put in front of me and if I have not been able to climb above them, I have found a way around them.  I like to think of myself as a role model for others with disabilities and to show the community that I am determined and motivated and don’t like anything to beat me.

In 2011, I was involved in a mentoring program called ‘Leaders for Tomorrow’. It was aimed at developing the leadership aspirations of people with disabilities. This program changed my life in many positive ways. It gave me the confidence to make some big changes in my life.

One of the goals of my leadership plan was finding a career in something I really believed in. So in March 2013 I quit my job with no job to go to but believed I was employable and somebody would see my value and I would soon be working again.

I started with Global-Mark in October 2013, after leaving my previous employer who I was with for 14.5 years. It was a big move for me leaving the comfort of what was second nature, into a world that was a little bit different. I have lived experience of disability and am passionate about the rights of people with disability so coming into the role of a Consumer Technical Expert in the Human Services sector was the perfect career path for me. It joined my two passions together – quality management and disability awareness.

In 2016, the opportunity arose whereby a new representative from Rotary District 9800 was needed to join Rotary’s Southern Districts Shine On Committee. I jumped at the opportunity and put my hand up for the role. I was delighted when the role was offered to me, and a year later I was asked to step into the Chair for my District. This is a program that highlights the achievements of people with disability in their local and wider community = a marriage made in heaven. I have pitched to my local club Hoppers Crossing, to host the event next year and guess who will be chairing the organising committee…..Me! I am very excited about this. This recognition program is open to all people with disabilities in Victoria and if you are interested in hearing more about it or nominating a person/client you know, feel free to contact me.

Image left: Lousie with her late mother.

My main interests are music and reading…. lots of crime novels. Thanks goodness for iPads and being able to enlarge the print size, as I am legally blind and unable to read the printed versions anymore. My other passions in life are my family, which includes the ‘fur baby’ in my life Coco, my beautiful cat Coco who turned 18 in March this year. I may not be able to have children but my Coco is spoilt like an only child and gives me unconditional love. My Mum was my number one supporter and we had a very special relationship but I lost her in August 2015, so Coco has been there to support me through a lot.

Image left: Coco the cat

I love the work I do when engaging with clients of Global-Mark. The variety of organisations, the wonderful clients I’m engaged with, the variation in work locations, and my colleagues I get to work alongside. Global-Mark expects high quality work from everyone who works with them, and in turn provides great quality of services to their clients. It is an honour working with such an engaging team of people with similar values.

Louise Bugeja – Consumer Technical Expert / Client Manager

If you would like to contact Louise in reference to the disability recognition program please email her at