Program Update | GP Accreditation Program

Joanne HurstHealth, Scheme / Program Update

Consultancy firm, mpconsulting, has been engaged by the Commonwealth Department of Health to undertake an independent review of the general practice accreditation arrangements under the National General Practice Accreditation Scheme (NGPA Scheme) and the various educational accreditation frameworks.

The review is currently underway and will explore existing accreditation models, the incentives and barriers to accreditation for general practices, issues for accrediting agencies providing services to general practices and alternate accreditation models. The review will also consider overlaps between general practice and educational accreditation.

During the course of the review, mpconsulting is seeking to engage widely with interested stakeholders. There will be opportunities for providing your input throughout the review, including through providing feedback and submissions on a consultation paper, an online survey and targeted one-on-one discussions and forums.

The review is particularly interested in hearing from owners of general practices, practice managers and general practitioners (including those operating in rural and remote areas) about their experiences of the accreditation process.

Further information about the review will be published in the coming weeks, including on the Department’s Consultation Hub.

You can participate in the review by engaging with the consultation paper due out in August 2021, and/or by contacting mpconsulting via the following email address: