Safety Management Systems – Migration to ISO45001: 2018 from OHSAS18001:2007

Joanne HurstManagement Systems, Scheme / Program Update

As many of you would already be aware, ISO45001 is the new international safety standard that has been published in response to a widespread demand for a set of consistent safety requirements that can be implemented and are relevant at a global level. When this standard was published, it was considered a replacement document for OHSAS18001, which is therefore now in superseded or “withdrawn” status.

As we have communicated previously, there is a 3-year migration period for certified entities to move to the new standard, and this grace period will end on 12 March 2021. I.e. If you hold OHSAS18001 certification, it will no longer be valid after March 2021, unless you have migrated to ISO45001.

The migration process is relatively straightforward, assuming that your management system has been updated to comply with the new requirements. Your client manager will have already flagged the need to migrate, and as this is considered a new certification, there will be a need for a Stage 1 review of any new/revised documentation prior to conducting the migration review. The Stage 1 review may be completed offsite where relevant, and the migration review can be completed at the same time as your normal scheduled audit, as long as this occurs prior to the end of the grace period. There may be a small additional fee charged for additional time spent reviewing documentation etc prior to the audit, and this will be relayed to you via your Client Manager.

But what about my AS/NZS 4801 certification??

While we have been informed that AS/NZS 4801 will be superseded by ISO45001, we are yet to receive any formal transition or migration strategies from our Accreditation Body in this respect. Until the strategy is published, we are suggesting that our clients maintain their certification status as per current arrangements, particularly where there are legal or contractual requirements to maintain certification to AS/NZS 4801

It should be noted that ISO45001 and AS/NZS 4801 certifications may be held concurrently at this point if desired.

We will be sure to keep you posted as we continue to receive updates in relation to the status of AS/NZS 4801.

Global-Mark have developed two new courses that will help your organisation to transition smoothly.

For further information please contact us on 1300 766 509 or to enrol complete the Student Enrolment Form.