CodeMark NZ Program Update

Joanne HurstCodeMark, Scheme / Program Update

Upcoming commencement date for CodeMark public disclosure requirements

We would like to remind you of the imminent commencement date for the CodeMark public disclosure requirements in accordance with the Building (Building Products and Methods, Modular Components, and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021. The updated scheme rules took effect in May 2023.

The scheme rules now explicitly require certain information to be made publicly available. 

Key points to consider:

  1. While the most common way to achieve this results consists of making the information downloadable from your website, the option to provide the documents upon request is also acceptable and caters to clients who prefer strict control over their documentation.
  2. Not all documents reference on the CodeMark certificates are concerned. Only the documents referenced in the “conditions and limitations of use” section of the certification are required to be made available. This distinction is crucial, particularly as certain documents listed in the supporting evidence section are classified as confidential.

Please be aware that non-compliance with the CodeMark scheme rules may result in the suspension of a CodeMark certificate.

These scheme rules will be enforced starting Monday, December 11, 2023.

Download a copy of the CodeMark Scheme Rules 2023-1

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.