In Focus: UGT

Joanne HurstFSC, Success of Clients

UGT is a second-generation family business that has successfully transformed from being a traditional importer and wholesaler of homewares into a specialist product developer, brand builder, and sourcing house to major retailers. With 35 years of experience we still have the mindset of a startup. 

At UGT, we design, develop and deliver products and solutions that positively impact our customers. We are impossible to ignore and impossible to compete with. We always do what’s right. 

UGT is based in Melbourne Australia, where our Head Office and warehouse are located. We have a supporting office in New Zealand, and facilities in China capable of sourcing and manufacturing. Our global network enables UGT to provide end-to-end sourcing, product development, supply chain & compliance services to our partners. 

UGT prioritises environmental and social governance in everything we do. Our dedicated team follows rigorous ethical procedures and complies with the highest international standards to ensure we always maintain best practise. 

What motivated you to pursue certification?

  • Environmental Responsibility: FSC® certification demonstrates a commitment to responsible forest management and sustainable practices. It helps ensure that forests are managed in an environmentally responsible way, protecting biodiversity, water resources, and ecosystem health.
  • Market Access: Many consumers and businesses prefer to buy products that are certified by the FSC, as it guarantees that the wood or paper products come from responsibly managed forests. This certification can provide a competitive advantage and access to environmentally-conscious markets.
  • Legal Compliance: FSC certification often aligns with or exceeds legal requirements for forest management in many countries. It helps companies stay compliant with environmental regulations.
  • Social Responsibility: FSC certification also considers the rights and well-being of indigenous peoples and local communities that depend on forests for their livelihoods. Compliance with FSC standards can help ensure that their rights are respected.
  • Long-Term Viability: FSC certification promotes sustainable forestry practices, which help ensure the long-term viability of the forest resource. By protecting and maintaining forests, FSC certification supports the continuity of the industry.
  • Ethical and Brand Reputation: Organisations that pursue FSC certification can enhance their reputation and demonstrate a commitment to ethical and responsible business practices.
  • Consumer Choice: FSC certification empowers consumers to make more informed choices about the products they buy, allowing them to support sustainable and responsible practices through their purchasing decisions.
  • Global Standards: FSC certification is recognised and respected worldwide, providing a consistent and internationally accepted benchmark for responsible forest management.

What was your experience like when working through the certification process with Global-Mark?

In an era where environmental responsibility and sustainability have become paramount, organisations worldwide are embracing practices that help protect our planet and its resources. One such practice is obtaining the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) certification, a testament to responsible forest management and sustainable sourcing of wood products. Behind the scenes, auditing companies like Global-Mark play a pivotal role in making this certification a reality for many businesses. Their dedication and expertise in assessing and ensuring compliance with FSC standards deserve our appreciation.

Obtaining FSC certification is a rigorous process that involves meeting these stringent criteria and undergoing regular audits to guarantee compliance. This certification demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to environmental responsibility, ethical business practices, and long-term sustainability. The FSC logo on a product indicates that it comes from a responsibly managed forest, which resonates with consumers and businesses committed to making eco-conscious choices.

Here are some reasons why Global-Mark deserves our admiration:

  • Expertise and Knowledge: Global-Mark’s auditors are experts in their field, with an in-depth understanding of FSC standards and the intricacies of sustainable forest management
  • Thoroughness: The auditors at Global-Mark leave no stone unturned. Their rigorous assessments ensure that organizations meet the strict criteria set by the FSC, and their diligence has contributed to the credibility of the certification.
  • Constructive Feedback: Global-Mark provide constructive feedback and assists with explaining FSC standards in a manner that allows the organisation to better understand the requirements resulting in  improved practices. This feedback is invaluable for companies looking to enhance their sustainability efforts.
  • Market Access: Global-Mark’s audits enable businesses to access markets that prioritize sustainability. With FSC certification, companies can tap into environmentally conscious markets, expanding their reach and improving their reputation.
  • Environmental Impact: By ensuring that more organizations meet FSC standards, Global-Mark directly contributes to the protection of forests, preservation of biodiversity, and mitigation of climate change. Their work supports a healthier planet for all.

Global-Mark is more than just an auditing company. As we appreciate their contribution, we also acknowledge the significance of FSC certification in promoting responsible forestry and environmental stewardship. Thanks to companies like Global-Mark, we are one step closer to a more sustainable and ecologically responsible world.

Have you observed any additional business advantages that arose as a result of achieving certification?

Achieving FSC certification is not just about meeting regulatory requirements. It can provide a range of tangible business advantages that include market access, enhanced reputation, cost savings, and a competitive edge in today’s sustainability-conscious business landscape.

For more information on UGT, click here.